At the previous post we had talked about the modifikasi of yamaha mio which is modified being as Sport motor bike. and in this time we are going to talk about the second modification of Yamaha mio dimodifikasi jadi Motor GP. Well you can watch at the back of the motor bike, there you can see that it still using the original wheel disk of Yamaha mio. Check for any leakage from battery. It should be clean and free from any leakages. In case of non-use of motorcycle, battery should be kept fully charged and electrolyte level should be at Top mark. This modification was originaly posted by oto.detik.com, it is really cool is not it?? i believe that you like it so much

When the first tima i watch this matic bike i remember with the bike of power ranger. it have futuristic design and really cool color. i love two color, they are black and white and this cool bike is really impress me.
You will not believe it, it is the new Yamaha mio which is usually known as a motor matic bike. it is now being as the new motor bike with additional body. actually there several picture in this blog which is talking about yamaha mio which is modified as a male motor bike. in another post i had write the modification of yamha mio which is modified as GP bike. you will not believe it. it so cool but i ofte thinking about the comfortability of the bike. is it so comfort enough. look at the back wheel of this motor bike, the wheel is so small is not it? may be it is the original wheel of yamaha mio. it is really different motor bike that there is no one which have the same motor bike like yours.