The new additional Yamaha Fino Retro, with different color. Yamaha fino is using 125cc engine which is so high enough for Indonesian young bikers. actually this motor bike is closely the same with the yamaha mio but this Yamaha fino stile of more Classical than yamaha mio which is more futurisctic at the deign. Yamaha fino is looked like a romantic futuristic motor bike then if you ride it i believe that any body will likes you.
More additional yamaha mio motor bike modification. for you who have Yamaha mio motor bike and you don't have much money to modify your motor bike to be looked like a male Yamaha mio motor bike then you can use this motor bike modification to be looked like as yours. this blue matic motor bike is so cool as cool as the air brush color which is semi metalic with smooth air brush. i like it somuch :D