Never hang out in a truck's blind spot or "No-Zone." Trucks have large No-Zones on both sides, the front and behind the truck. Truck drivers cannot see you when you ride in these blind spots, which allows for a greater chance of a crash. The front blind spot is particularly dangerous if you need to stop quickly. Because of their lightweight and braking system, motorcycles can stop much faster than trucks. A truck may not be able to stop as quickly as you do, so you need to take special precautions to avoid crashes before they happen.
Motorcycles are the smallest vehicles on the road. Unfortunately they provide virtually no protection in a crash. Other drivers may not see you on your motorcycle, so you must be aware of everything on the road. Be extra cautious, paying attention to the signals and brake lights of other vehicles, especially trucks. However, you still need to be prepared in the event their signals or lights don't work. Ride with caution and drive defensively. Even though your motorcycle may be small, you must adhere to the laws of the road. Never ride in between lanes in traffic or share a lane with another vehicle. Driving defensively will protect you!
Conduct a safety inspection of your motorcycle before each ride, and wear protective clothing including gloves, boots and a jacket. Proper maintenance and protective clothing will help reduce your chance of an crash or the severity of injury if you are involved in a crash, especially with a large truck or bus. Check your bikes tires both pressure and wear to make sure that your bike is fit to be out on the road. Wearing bright clothing might not be a bad idea especially for longer trips to help assure that other drivers will be able to see you.
Remember the motorcycle is a vehicle with all of the rights and privileges of any other motor vehicles on the roadway. Always allow a motorcyclist the full lane width--never try to share a lane.
Motorcyclists should never ride between lanes of slow moving or stopped traffic.
Always make a visual check for motorcycles by checking mirrors and blind spots before entering or leaving a lane of traffic and at intersections.
Motorcyclists should assume that they are invisible to other motorists and operate their motorcycle accordingly. Position yourself to be seen.
Remember that some road conditions which may be minor annoyances to passenger vehicles can pose major hazards to motorcyclists.
Allow for sufficient following distances. When following a motorcycle, make certain the motorcyclist has enough time to maneuver or stop in an emergency. Never tailgate.