Always remember the full-face helmets are the safest ones, as nobody knows in case of an accident where you are going to be hit.
You always need a helmet wherever you ride.
Make sure your helmet fits to get all the protection you are paying for.
See these statistics-- careful bike riders� crash every 4,500 miles on the average.
Is not that scary? Well we all feel we are too good a rider to wear a helmet but wear helmet not only for the laws but also for the safety of your own.
Never under-estimate the need of a helmet.
Long rides or small ones an accident you never know might be on its way. I don�t mean to be apprehensive but facts are facts.
Now-a-days driving motorcycle has changed from safe driving to defensive driving. Who knows what state the other driver is in? Drunk? Or full of fun? They are the same for me and beware they are the same for too and everybody too.
When buying a helmet remember they meet the standard criteria. Helmets made for U.S. sale after 1999 must meet the US Consumer Product Safety Commission standard, so look for a CPSC sticker. ASTM's standard is comparable.
Coolness, ventilation, fit and sweat control are the most critical comfort needs.
Make sure you use the best helmets with most of the comforts in case you are a long distance traveler.
Here are a few helmets companies we recommend.
Bell helmets-- Visit their site for our brand new helmet line.
HJC helmets�
In case you are very serious about helmets then here is a book we suggest you read�Risk by John Adams
Motorcycle helmets are available at monster market place.
Also helmet city and helmet shop provide good ones.
Now its time to enjoy your motorcycle ride.