Engine type: 4 Step, SOHC Air Conditioners
Step Diameter: 70 mm x 58
Cylinder volume: 223 cm
The composition of Cylinders: Single Cylinder Upright
Comparison of Compression: 5.9: 1
Max Power: 19 ps / 8.000 rpm
Max torque: 1.86 kgf.m / 6.500 rpm
Lubrication system: -
Engine oil: -
Radiator: -
Carburetor: -
Slow rotation: -
Air filter: -
Transmission: 5 Speed (1-N-2-3-4-5)
Clutch: Manual
Caster / Trail: -
Dental Ratio: -
Starter System: Kick & Electric
Frame Type: Double Cradle
Suspension Front
Rear Suspension: Monocross
Brakes Front: Double Disc Piston
Rear brakes: Tromol
Tires Front: 80/100-18-47 P
Rear tires: P 100/90-18-56
Ignition system: DC-CDI
Length x Width x Height: 2.020 x 770 x 1.090 mm
Seat Height: 770 mm
Distance between wheels: 1.295 mm
Distance to Land: 165 mm
Tank Capacity: 13.5 liters
Fill Weight:
Empty Weight: 125 Kg