"To skutik we will set the price at Rp12 million," said MMI President Director Kristianto Goenadi."
New skutik price difference with GTR Minerva 150, he said, was because the two motors that have the capacity machine is completely different. For GTR, he said, equipped kitchen, 150 cc race, while the new 125 cc only.
In addition, this Minerva Newer skutik, is positioned to target different markets. "If for a 125 cc, we will compete with Suzuki Skywave," said Kristianto.
As a comparison, for Minerva Sachs dibanderol MMI 150 GTR with prices Rp17, 6 million, or close to duck Japanese sports output.
Meanwhile, PT Indomobil Suzuki Sales (SIS) Suzuki Skywave dump the last generation with prices starting at Rp13 million.
With the presence of a new 125 cc skutik Minerva feels saturation in the motor segment of this type have not appeared. And that of course is the consumer benefited because more choices.