Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Valentino Rossi tests Ducati Desmosedici GP12

“I’m happy, I like the GP12,” Valentino Rossi said afterward. “In my opinion, it’s more enjoyable, more fun to ride. It was the first time we had it on the track, so we had some work to do, but the engine is nicer. It’s a lot of fun, and you can do some nice slides. It’s the bike we’ll ride next year, so it was very important—and also very nice—to be among the first to take it on the track.” Both racers and fans are hoping that the 1000cc bikes will mark a return to the days of the 990cc era, when lurid rear-wheel slides out of the corners were the norm instead of the atypical. The current 800cc bikes (as well as the fuel capacity restrictions) have made sliding in the corners more of a rarity, due to their spikier torque output and need to conserve momentum—a byproduct of which is usually less fuel usage. The problem is that—as they sit right now—the rules for the factory 1000cc machines still enforce a 21-liter fuel capacity limit. Whether the engine configurations chosen by the OEMs will allow fuel efficiency to be high enough to permit more sliding obviously remains to be seen.

“We chose to have our factory riders—today Vale, tomorrow Nicky—try the bike beginning with its first test, because we think their feedback is essential for starting us on the right path for the early development,” Ducati Corse technical director Filippo Preziosi said. “To be able to work with Vale for a full day is more than any technician could ask. We gathered considerable feedback that we’ll translate into further design and development for next year’s bike. The positive thing is that the technical choices made for the GP12 in the initial planning phase, in 2010—and I’m referring primarily to the engine, which is still a big-bang, and to the rear end—were endorsed by Valentino. This gives us great satisfaction, and we’re optimistic about the work that still remains to be done. We know that our competitors are also working hard and developing their 2012 bikes, but that just makes the challenge better.”

Motocross: Desalle injured as Ramon wins Belgian MX Championship round four

Motocross NewsDesalle injured as Ramon wins Belgian MX Championship round fourMX1 World Championship leader Clement Desalle collided with another rider over a jump at the fourth round of the Belgian Motocross Championship at Tongeren and in the ensuing crash he briefly dislocated his right shoulder.

The Rockstar Energy Suzuki World MX1 rider will go for a scan today but is hopeful of a positive prognosis after the relatively short time the limb was displaced compared to a similar injury picked up on the same shoulder at Valkenswaard in Holland in 2010.

The Belgian was able to win the following race two weeks later in Portugal on that occasion. The dislocation - and other small scrapes - occurred after the 23 year old tangled with Jeremy Van Horebeek in the first moto.

Despite a coating of rain on Saturday, Tongeren was in good shape for racing and Desalle's team-mate Steve Ramon defeated GP peers Ken De Dycker, Davide Guarneri and Shaun Simpson to the top step of the podium.

The former World Champion had sufficiently recovered from his stretched right groin to compete at the tricky circuit south of Hasselt and went 1-2-1 in the three races.

"The groin is getting better and today it was OK; no pain or complaints and I made no mistakes with my riding," Ramon said. "The rain was pretty good for the dirt and the track was technical with short-bumps and an 'old school' layout. I was feeling good and confident and it showed in the motos."

Rockstar Energy Suzuki World MX1 will head to Sweden this week for the first of three Grands Prix in a row; Germany and Latvia forming the rest of the busy trip.

МотоFAQ - Хранение мотоцикла зимой?

Сбережение байка в зимний период?


Байк идеальнее всего сохранять в помещении при температуре 10-15 градусов. Главной урон навевает не температура, а её перепады, вызывающие выпадение росы в труднодоступных местах и разрушение резиновых составных частей.

1. Предварительно, очевидно, надо промыть байк. С любовью, тщательнейшим образом вымывая из труднодоступных мест дорожную грязюка.

2. Натереть блестящие доли консервантом, крашеные — защитной полиролью. (Я, к примеру, глушитель утащил на зиму домой — в жилплощади воздух суше).

3. Выкрутить свечки, залить туда по 20 мл (шприц) моторного масла. Несколько раз провернуть стартером коленчатый вал, дабы масло покрыло стены цилиндров.

4. Залить в бензобак стабилизатор бензина (по желанию) и наполнить бензином под пробку, чтоб убрать невесомую пробку, где сможет образоваться конденсат. Прикрыть бензокраны.

5. Покрыть силиконовой смазкой — спреем разъёмы электрики и резиновые колпачки свеч. Натереть мастикой шины. Давление в колесах убавить до 1,5 атмосфер. Т.е., чтоб давление было наиболее невысоким, хотя при всем этом шина не деформировалась под весом байка.

6. Масло можнож не поменять — устроите данное ну почти в конце зимы. Хотя гораздо лучше изменить лично перед постановкой на стоянку (100-200км. пробега в последствии подмены не критично). Оказывается в ходе эксплуатации масло начинает окисляться и возникнут враждебные к сплаву составляющие. Такое может вызвать ржавчину элементов мотора.

7. Натереть кондюком кожаное седло.

8. Зарядить батарея. Коль скоро данное вполне вероятно, то снять его и унести домой. Оказывается температура считается стимулом хим действий. А значит нежели ниже температура, тем медлительнее он разряжается. Подзаряжать его необходимо постоянно, ежемесячно, не дозволяя полного разряда.

7. Затыкание глушителя тряпками я бы не стал так категорично советовать. Оказывается масло от времени начинает распадаться и в конкретных критериях (тепло и немало масла) сможет в том числе и самовоспламениться. Лучше наблюдать за сухостью в помещении.

Ну, ну а в решение могу припомнить пословицу, собственно от хозяйского взора скотина жиреет. Чаще выбирайтесь к байку, тюнингуйте его, перебирайте, протирайте тряпочкой. И медитация и байку может быть полезно :))

Глушаки оставляешь здания под шкафом. Батарея заряжаешь вполне и уносишь в автогараж зимовать. Любые 3 недельки дозаряжаешь его.

WD40 оберегает дурно по следующим причинам испаряется. Отыскивай консервирующую смазку. Тебе надо отстоять сальники и перья вилки, катушку зажигания с электропроводами, сальник и шток заднего амортизатора и глушители. Имеешь возможность просто протирать масляной тряпкой разов в месяц.

Сейчас про бак. Или ты его держишь в тепле и сухости, или ты его держишь на морозе, хотя переполненным под пробку. Перемешивать возможно топливо всякого октанового количества, все одинаково тебе его по весне выливать.

Карбюраторы и электрику я бы сохранял здания — нет ничего ужаснее нежели ловить утраченную в окислившихся контактах «массу».

Разобранный двигатель… Здесь трудно что-нибудь порекомендовать.

Ты усвой основное. Ужасны не холода, ужасны осенне/весенние перепады около +3/+5 градусов, как скоро много выпадает роса. Сухой холод для сохранения совершенен.

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Sunday, September 25, 2011

Honda CB600F Hornet Blue Bodykit Edition

Honda CB600F HornetHonda CB600F Hornet Blue Bodykit Edition

MV Agusta F4 1078 RR312 Review

It’s black as sin and topped with white like a pint of Guinness. It looks fast, it feels fast and it is fast. The big-bore F4 is in fact one of the fastest and most potent sportbikes in the world. 190 horsepower is not for the faint hearted.

Back in 1997 MV Agusta was merely a name. Cagiva, headed by President Claudio Castiglioni, did not only buy the Ducati brand (1985-1996), it also purchased the rights to the MV Agusta name in 1991. Whilst Ducati under new ownership eventually launched the 999, MV Agusta already had the “true” 916-996-998 replacement in the F4 750. That very design lives on to this day in the F4 1078 RR312.

Even a beautifully composed picture can’t really do the F4 justice enough. You have to be there next to the bike, touch it, and watch the lines flow from one end to the other in 3D. Whilst watching the shiny perfectly polished F4 1078 RR accompanied with exquisite classical music in my head, I push the starter button and put my helmet on. I’m in a hurry to scrub in those brand new Pirelli Supercorsa Pro tyres, and the music in my head changes to a hard-rock mood.

“Come crawling faster - Obey your Master - Your life burns faster - Obey your Master - Master, Master of Puppets I'm pulling your strings” Yeah, that’s putting me in the mood whilst the growling 1078 quickly heats up under me.
The seat is positively old-school sportsbike where my backside is high up and my upper body leaning heavily on my arms to the handlebar. The saddle height is, at 810mm, proper sportbike territory, too.
The footpegs are also high for big lean angles. I feel as if the MV F4 is quite a long bike compared to modern Japanese sportbikes. The big 21-litre fuel tank is long and flat with nice cut-outs for my knees. The big tinted windscreen was an item introduced on the F4 CC in 2007 along with the 1078 motor. I can actually tuck in behind that windscreen even more comfortably than on a Suzuki GSX-R. If you’ve ever tried to stick your head out into 190 mph winds you’ll see why it’s needed on the F4 1078 RR 312.
As from 2008 you can only get the F4 1000 R312 for racing purposes. The big-bore 1078 version is not allowed either in Superstock nor Superbike racing. The F4 1078 RR 312 features a 3mm larger bore than the 1000 and it’s good for 7 extra horsepower and 9 more Nm at 2.000 rpm lower than the litre bike. That translates to a claimed 190 hp at 12,200 rpm and 124 Nm at 8,200 rpm. MV Agusta have also added a new slipper clutch to handle hard decelerations, and the new Sachs steering damper calms the front down during heavy acceleration.
Attached to the new 50mm fully adjustable Marzocchi fork sits another essential new item for deceleration. The Brembo Monoblock radial brakes are the most powerful items available outside of the racetrack. Supreme stability from the solid chassis also allows very hard usage of the front brakes. And it’s needed when a motorcycle doing 190-plus-mph needs to stop before a hairpin corner. On the roads in the hills surrounding the MV Agusta HQ in Varese, I naturally never got the chance to try the top speed. I did sample the full 190 horsepower in the first few gears, though, and the brakes really are very good. I experienced a very progressive feel and they never felt harsh or too sharp.
After what seemed like an eternity I finally reached some roads where I could use the power and precision of the F4 1078 RR. Through towns and villages on the way there, my arms and back started to ache. With 30 C degrees sunshine on the outside, a little warmer than that inside my leathers and a very hot running 1078 engine, I was sweating litres. So finally getting to these more open roads was like reaching heaven after hell. The three first gears are very high, and when the power kicks in the F4 is planted despite the massive output. Wheelies still come easy, but at silly speeds compared to the Brutale 1078RR.
The F4 1078RR 312 feels like a considerably larger motorcycle than the Brutale. The ergonomics are completely different, and suspension settings and calibration softer on the Brutale. The Brutale is also 7 kilos lighter and overall a much better road motorcycle. Stability is better on the F4, as you would expect from a 190-horsepower motorcycle. For pure fun and mischief, the Brutale wins. For serious track-day action and massive top speed, the F4 is the bike.
The extra torque of the F4 compared to any other inline-Four sportsbike makes the whole riding experience much more rewarding. Through the long midrange the F4 1078 accelerates harder and harder, and from 8,000 rpm it’s just so fast that you’re wondering whether there really is anything faster (there always is). The throttle and fuel injection responds willingly and controllably to my right hands command. MV have done a very good job smoothing out things, as I can remember that the F4 1000 I rode almost four years ago was a much more difficult motorcycle to ride. The engine capacity increase itself has helped a lot, as well as a reworked cylinder head with 10mm longer intake tracts.

The 192-kilo claimed dry-weight isn’t the lightest among sportbikes, but with almost a horsepower per kilo you stop thinking about the weight once on the move. The F4 1078 RR feels better and better the faster I go. Immense stability complements the strong engine, and into the corners I can place the front wheel exactly where I want it. Flicking the F4 from left to right you do need to use some of your own muscle, but it makes for a very involving ride on the road at least.
The instrument panel is not very easy to read whilst on the move. In sunlight the warning lights are difficult to see and it’s pretty much only the analogue rev counter that can be seen clearly. The mirrors are not much better, so this motorcycle is as impractical as we had expected. The F4 1078RR is also available in a 1+1 (pillion seat) version.

The MV Agusta F4 1078 RR 312 pretty much guarantees owner satisfaction, even if you just want to keep it for show in your garage. So that point isn’t even an issue. The F4 1078 RR is a pure enthusiast tool and must be bought with passion. If passion for this moving piece of motorcycle art isn’t there, then there’s a lighter, almost as powerful and more comfortable Japanese litre bike in the shop around the corner.
MV Agusta has managed to engineer its own inline-Four engine with class-leading performance and character. That’s no small feat, and coupled with the Tamburini design, we just have to keep bowing in the dust. The downsides are the same as on the Brutale 1078RR: a hot-running engine, heavy clutch, engine vibrations, plus it’s highly uncomfortable at slow speed.

The Giant Killer BMW S1000RR

Speed has to be kept under control. And motorcycle control is exactly what we have been constantly reinventing over the last 20 years. The S 1000 RR represents a milestone in electronic rider safety: ultra-lightweight ABS (2.5kg), which can be used in conjunction with the extremely efficient DTC dynamic traction control (available as an optional extra) – quite unique for 2009.

Racing ABS for all conditions

You couldn’t wish for a more discreet ABS; it has fine control intervals, is virtually imperceptible in its operation, and is light enough to satisfy fans of low-weight bikes.

DTC – transparent traction control you can rely on.

This dynamic feature reacts reliably and efficiently to speed, lean angle, and operating mode (rain, sport, race, or slick). It was specifically designed to be as effective on the road as it is on the racetrack.

Radially mounted Brembo brake callipers

This is how today’s superbikes decelerate. Not only do brake disks mounted directly on the wheel rims look good, they also reduce unsprung mass.

A superlative engine.

An extreme bore/stroke ratio (80x49.7mm) and rocker arm-actuated valves for great stability at high engine speeds, compact construction and lightweight design – a genuine powerhouse which demonstrates its considerably ability at all output levels.

IA design that doesn't just look good

Intelligently positioned slits behind the fairing minimise turbulence to allow the rider to maintain a relaxed head position, optimum air-flow around rider and bike ensures stability at top speed, while efficient flow-through makes for maximum cooling. Combined with plenty of eye-catching design features – that’s the way to do it.

Sporty seat positioning.

If you want to be fast, you have to adopt a relaxed racing posture. The way you sit must allow you to concentrate on the essential aspects of motorcycling – maximum enjoyment and perfect control. The looser you are on the bike, the easier everything else will be. Gone are the days when you had to bend yourself flat. Today's modern posture means you are actually sitting more in the bike than on it.

From model year 2011 the BMW S 1000 RR is available in the following new paint finishes:

•Shine yellow metallic
•Light grey metallic

The paint finishes Mineral silver metallic and Acid green metallic are no longer available

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Honda CBR 600RR Black Green

 Honda CBR 600RR Black GreenHonda CBR 600RR Specifications:

Engine Type Horizontal In-line
Cylinders 4
Engine Stroke 4-Stroke
Cooling Liquid
Valves 16
Valves Per Cylinder 4
Valve Configuration DOHC
Compression Ratio 12.2:1
Starter Electric
Fuel Type Gas
Transmission Type Manual
Number Of Speeds 6
Primary Drive (Rear Wheel) Chain
Wheels & Tires:
Front Tire (Full Spec) Dunlop 120/70 ZR17
Rear Tire (Full Spec) Dunlop 180/55 ZR17
Front Brake Type Dual Disc
Rear Brake Type Disc
Technical Specifications:
Wheelbase (in/mm) 53.9 / 345.4
Fuel Capacity (gal/l) 4.8 / 18.2

A vegetarian leaks